Our Permaculture Life: Being a Mum is What I Love the Most.

Being a Mum is What I Love the Most.

I love being Mum.  Of all the things I do, this is what I love the most - the source of so much happiness, laughter and meaning in my life.

I love this photo of my family taken by the photographer for SALT Magazine last year. I only have a few of us all together - I must make an effort to take more family group shots throughout the year. They are so nice to look back on as the kids grow.
Today was Mother's Day in Australia and my husband and children made sure I felt very loved and appreciated all day. Actually most days they make me feel that being Mum is one of the best things ever. Of course sometimes it's challenging, usually chaotic, but I love how it stretches me to grow in so many ways, stay present in the moment, find depths of giving, and be so completely connected and surrounded by love.

Thanks also to SALT Magazine for this lovely photo of our kids in our garden last winter - I know it's early winter because I can see the turmeric in the background just turning. It's almost turmeric harvest time again.

It was just so lovely to spend an entire day at home with my family today. I enjoyed ...

Today I think Maia let me win - to be nice!

A very happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. 

... and an extra special Happy Mother's Day to my own Mum. Thank you for everything Mum, and for an amazing childhood on boats, on bikes, in nature, playing music, and living a simple healthy life.

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